Christian Kontz

Christian Kontz

Hi, I'm Christian Kontz. I'm a Ph.D. candidate in Finance at the Stanford Graduate School of Business.

I spend most of my time thinking about the implications of climate change, ESG and sustainability, and innovation for asset prices and corporate finance. You can learn more about my research here.

I am co-organizing the virtual Inter-Finance PhD Seminar together with Jake (Jiacheng) Liu and Tim Seida this academic year. If you are a PhD student in finance and would like to present your work, please reach out to me or sign up here.

Working Papers

  • "The Real Cost of Benchmarking" [New 07/2024] (with Sebastian Hanson)
  • [Abstract]   [Draft]   [SSRN]   [BibTex]

  • "Do ESG investors care about carbon emissions? Evidence from securitized auto loans" [Updated 05/2024]
    [Abstract]   [Draft]   [SSRN]   [BibTex]

Work in Progress

  • "ESG induced capital misallocation: Is ESG doing good, by doing well?"
  • [Abstract]

  • "Explaining Prices" (with Sebastian Hanson and Hanno Lustig)

  • "The Term Structure of Transition Risk" (with Florian Fiaux)